Amnesia Haze 5 Pack Of .7g Prerolls

Amnesia Haze 5 Pack Of .7g Prerolls

Amnesia Haze 5 Pack Of .7g Prerolls


Amnesia Haze, is a sativa dominant hybrid. It’s lineage boasts ancestors from Jamaican Sativa a Laotian Sativa and the infamous Afghan Hawaiian. The ratio of Sativa to Indica is about 80:20, making this a great strain for daytime use and clearheaded thinking. A great choice for relaxing and socializing. This unique terpene profile will leave you smelling peppery sweet incense.

A five pack of .7g strain-specific prerolls (3.5g total) by 5Boro

100% Whole Flower

Slow, even burn
Discreet, iconic look

Lab Results

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